What Is A Garden Shed?
First things first, let’s clarify exactly what we mean when we refer to a “garden shed.” Let’s also explain – once and for all – the difference between a garden shed and a regular storage shed.
One factor that distinguishes a garden shed from a storage shed is in what you keep inside. Perhaps you store garden-related items like soil, seeds and garden tools in your backyard structure. That alone would justify referring to it as a “garden shed.”
But that’s not the only factor. What actually makes it a garden shed is that you – as a gardener – will likely come and go from the shed on a regular basis. As you may know, gardening takes a lot of time and work. As you frequently retrieve items from the shed and then put them away, you’ll notice that your shed is essentially a work station. Depending on how serious of a gardener you are, you may go in there several times a week or maybe even every day.
Difference Between a Garden Shed and a Storage Shed
On the contrary, weeks or even months may pass between your visits to a regular storage shed. It’s holding items you simply don’t want to keep in the house or garage. It’s full of things you rarely need, but you still want to keep them.
Another little detail about storage sheds is that the temperature inside is rarely a concern. It may be freezing inside your shed or roasting hot (like it is right now in Houston). But the suitcases, shovels and Christmas tree stand in your shed have no complaints about the extreme temperatures. They’ll be fine. You don’t need to see them, touch them or think about them until their times comes.
On the other hand, extreme temperatures in your garden shed could be a problem. Mainly due to the fact that you need to some spend time inside it on a regular basis.
I recently entered a storage shed in which it had to be 120 degrees inside. After getting what I needed, I immediately left. I was in there for 10 seconds. It was unbearable. I couldn’t imagine actually doing anything inside a shed like that (tag: garden shed houston)
A Shed Is Not a Greenhouse
Clarifying even further about what a garden shed is, we should also mention what it isn’t. A shed is not a greenhouse.
A greenhouse is for growing seeds, protecting plants and maintaining an environment where greens have a chance to grow. For this reason, greenhouses require clear panels to allow the sun in (rather than solid walls).
Also, if anything is going to grow in a greenhouse, water needs to enter the greenhouse one way or another (water hose, irrigation system, water carriers, etc.). Further, if water is going in, you should expect it to splash, drip, fall and sprinkle all over the floor. For this reason, a greenhouse requires a floor made of pressure-treated boards so that water can pass through them to the ground below.
If the floor is built with plywood, as is common with sheds, the water has no way of passing through the floor. It will pool up on the plywood sheets until it evaporates.
This detail underscores the primary challenge of maintaining a greenhouse. A greenhouse requires even more time spent inside than a garden shed. In addition to storing garden items in a greenhouse, you’ll be preparing pots, pruning plants and simply passing the time enjoying your plants.
For this reason, airflow and internal temperature are even more important in a greenhouse. The usual solution for this challenge is to include several screened windows on a greenhouse. Windows serve the dual purpose of allowing in lots of light and also lots of air on hot days.
Well, that’s a wrap. If you have questions about a garden shed we can build for you, fill out the form below and we’ll promptly reply with some options.
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